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Nicholas “Quazzy” Herd is a freelance Audio Designer for Film, Music, and Television currently living in New York City. Along with his love for curating and composing Sonic Landscapes, he is also a Yoga Instructor for Yoga To The People. Quazzy hopes to expand his perception of Sound Depth as well as Human Interactions within intimate spaces here at Sable, in order to gain a deeper understanding of community roles in macro and micro communities. He plans on posting his findings online, which include soundcloud.com/quazzy and “The Quazzy Faffle Show” fanpage on facebook.
Q & A with the Quazzman:
What inspires you to make art?
What is your spirit vegetable and why?
Garlic. It goes good with everything.
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
Swag Like Sammie Davis
Nicholas “Quazzy” Herd is a freelance Audio Designer for Film, Music, and Television currently living in New York City. Along with his love for curating and composing Sonic Landscapes, he is also a Yoga Instructor for Yoga To The People. Quazzy hopes to expand his perception of Sound Depth as well as Human Interactions within intimate spaces here at Sable, in order to gain a deeper understanding of community roles in macro and micro communities. He plans on posting his findings online, which include soundcloud.com/quazzy and “The Quazzy Faffle Show” fanpage on facebook.
Q & A with the Quazzman:
What inspires you to make art?
What is your spirit vegetable and why?
Garlic. It goes good with everything.
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
Swag Like Sammie Davis