Elizabeth Weinstein
Elizabeth Weinstein is a movement artist from Philadelphia. She studied Gender and Sexuality Studies and Dance at Oberlin College and returned home to Philadelphia to study experimental hybrid performance with Headlong Performance Institute. Her body is her primary medium, and she delights in finding ways to wrap, submerge, remember, bury, and listen to her body in order to create interactive rituals and performance installations. Her creative process at Sable is fueled in large part by laying down-- on a mountain, a brush pile, a garden, stones, the soft places beneath trees, in mud-- and she does not want the land to forget the quiet impressions her body leaves in its wake.
Q & A with Elizabeth:
How did you hear about Sable?
I heard about Sable through a friend from college, and after investigating it a bit more, I wanted to shout yes!yes! to all of its goals and visions.
What inspires you to make art?
I am inspired to make art by the people around me and the committed and vital relationships that creation necessitates. I am inspired to make art by my dreams, by improvisation, by the slow, random resuscitation of moments past and by the way my body recalls my history by way of my presence in the present. I am inspired to make art by my voracious appetite for aliveness.
What is your spirit vegetable and why?
My spirit vegetable may be an artichoke because artichokes have sweet and tender hearts while being spiky and tough; they are multilayered but get more enjoyable the closer you are to the core; and some old poet named Hesiod who lived a really long time ago wrote that, “when the artichoke flowers, the chirping grasshopper sits in a tree and pours down his shrill song continually from under his wings in the season of wearisome heat, and then goats are plumpest and wine sweetest; women are most wanton, but men are feeblest.”
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
My dream superpower has always been to fly. It seems obvious, but I really would love to sore around the world, playing with the delights of flight as well as free airfare to any place in the world.