Jess Fijalkovich
Jess Fijalkovich (she/her) resides in Akron, Ohio, unceded Erie land.
She is an independent archivist and experimental film and cameraless photographer. Her practice is informed by working with archives, boxes and shelves filled with the ghostly traces of her visual vocabulary.
During her time at Sable, the forest became a darkroom as Jess experimented with alternative photographic processes. She made anthotypes, images made using light-sensitive juices extracted from plants, and lumen prints, kaleidoscopic photograms made with black and white photo paper and the sun.
During the pandemic, Jess and her partner Chris co-founded bARTer, an art trading network for visual artists with all levels of experience that encourages the building of non-hierarchical art collections and communities. Sign up to trade here!
Instagram: @barter_barter_barter | @jess____eff
June Session 2 Artist
Photos at Sable by Elise Wojtowicz