Dan Costello
Dan Costello (he/him) is a theatre artist, musician and writer from Brooklyn, NY. He is currently working on his first full-length original musical. He spent ten days at Sable developing characters, defining narrative and mood, scripting scenes and lyrics, and writing songs. He also just picked blackberries.
Highlights and accomplishments include twelve albums of original music, touring to over 20 countries as a singer/songwriter, co-creating Yo Re Mi (yoremikids.com), devising "Forest of Feelings" for NYC Children's Theater (NYTimes Pick!), acting in various professional and community theatre productions, and teaching thousands of children across New York City. Other proud roles include Dad to two kids, partner to the greatest, and improving an old house near Bennington, VT.
IG @tincanshaker
Music: dancostello.bandcamp.com
email: dan (at) yoremikids.com
Fun fact: Hates yogurt! Loves peanut butter!